About Me

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Wife to Sean, police officer and carpenter. Mom to Maeve, 5 year old fashionista who happens to have an extra chromosome. And 1 year old Michael, future Steeler and ladies man. This is my attempt to share the behind the scenes of a real housewife who idolizes Martha Stewart, follows in the family footsteps in the art of sewing, navigates the world of special needs and tries to keep her head above water.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


So, I really need a new sewing machine like I need a hole in the head! Haha! But, I could sew on one and embroider on the other and get twice as much not done as before!

Seriously though, I love "You Can Make This"! I use their patterns almost exclusively and have created so many outfits for Maeve that I could never find in the stores.

So, if you are crafty, visit and see what all the DIY DISH is about!

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